Faith Tribe
Faith Connexion

The brainchild of Parisian street fashion brand Faith Connexion; Faith Tribe is an open-source fashion design platform, giving creatives the tools and opportunity to collaborate on the design of fashion assets.
Commissioned to create the branding and visual identity of the new online product— the brief was to keep the visual connection to the street-smart parent brand, whilst forging its own identity in the creative fashion marketplace.

Scalability | One of the key elements we always focus on when creating any visual identity is its ability to scale; i.e. how does the visual brand read and translate across a billboard or scaled down to a favicon (the icon in a web-browser tab). At every touchpoint the visual message should convey the DNA of the brand.

Typography | Extending the branding into type we introduced a modernized monotype typeface to be used across headlines—continue the youthful fashion/digital feel. Again looking for legibility across scalable products, we also added a line dynamic to fill out spacing and to play off the motion of the wordmark.