Footwear News Achievement Awards 2020
However, the 2020 event was held virtually due to covid. Which posed our first big question: how do we create a full-scale award ceremony online during a global pandemic?
Firstly, everything being pre-recorded is a given, but keeping it engaging, entertaining, and retaining its usual glitz was going to prove a challenge. The recipients were also located across multiple countries and time zones—all creating some major logistical issues. In addition the branding, editing, content, and music all had to translate across multiple platforms; from handheld mobiles to large screens.

motion design | Iris Apfel's interview was full of her usual amusing personal insights and reflections on the fashion industry. We decided to split them up and use them as intervals throughout the show—to great success.

The event was well-received by viewers, and with multiple industry plaudits.
With a final running time of over 90 mins, the project was by far the largest project we’d worked on. Helping to keep the tradition of the Footwear Oscars alive during a difficult time.